Wake Nation Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement

Parent and Over 18 Participant Details - Parents/Legal Guardians Please List All Minor Participants in Next Section
Minor Participants (Under the Age of 18) Signed for by the Above Parent/Legal Guardian
Wake Nation Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement


In consideration for and in connection with being permitted to participate in Cinci Wake d/b/a Wake Nation Cincinnati (hereafter ‘Wake Nation’) and any and all activities conducted by Wake Nation (collectively, 'Wake Nation Activities'), I hereby execute this Release of Liability and Indemnification Agreement (the 'Agreement') on behalf of myself and any minor children, relatives or dependents identified herein (collectively, 'Participants'), and hereby agree as follows:

I and Participants understand and expressly agree that they may voluntarily participate in Wake Nation Activities and that certain elements are physically and emotionally demanding. I and Participants understand and agree that I and they must possess athletic ability, skill, good judgment and experience in order to properly participate in Wake Nation Activities. I and Participants understand and agree that they will be exposed to inherent and other risks associated with participation in Wake Nation Activities, including but not limited to, changing or extreme conditions, strenuous bodily movement and physical exertions, improper use or possible malfunction of equipment, contact or collisions with but not limited to, other participants, features, the shore, the water, the environment, cable systems and related machinery or parts thereof, and other objects. Participants understand and agree that Wake Nation Activities are INHERENTLY DANGEROUS ACTIVITIES and that among the risks participants will be exposed to are the risks of BODILY INJURY AND DEATH OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. Despite the risks involved with Wake Nation Activities, including, but not limited to, use of equipment, facilities, or premises, I and PARTICIPANTS VOLUNTARILY AGREE TO EXPRESSLY ASSUME ALL RISKS OF INJURY OR DEATH OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY that might be associated with participation in Wake Nation Activities.  

I and Participants understand and assume all the RISKS OF INJURY AND DEATH OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY RELATED TO PARTICIPATION IN WAKE NATION ACTIVITIES. I and Participants expressly agree that in consideration for being permitted to participate in Wake Nation Activities, I and Participants release Wake Nation, its and their affiliates, representatives, owners, investors, members, managers, officers, directors, partners, employees, instructors, outside trainers, independent coaches, agents, volunteers, participants, sponsors, landowners, landlords, subsidiaries, contractors, affiliated companies or entities, successors, heirs and assigns, and all other persons or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf (collectively referred to in this Agreement, 'Wake Nation') as well as the owners, sellers, manufacturers and installers of equipment comprising Wake Nation, for any bodily injury or death and for any damage, loss, or theft of any personal property which I and Participants may incur while on Wake Nation's premises, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE INJURIES AND DAMAGES CAUSED BY ANY WAKE NATION’S ALLEGED OR ACTUAL NEGLIGENCE OR BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. I and Participants agree to pay all costs and attorneys’ fees incurred by Wake Nation in defending a claim or suit brought by me, on my behalf, or on the behalf of Participants identified herein.


I and Participants understand that participation in Wake Nation Activities is voluntary, and that it is a revocable privilege. I and Participants further understand that participation in Wake Nation Activities is strenuous and requires considerable exertion and physical stress. I hereby represent and certify that I and no Participant for whom I am executing this Agreement do not suffer from any physical or psychological conditions that would prevent myself or Participants from participating in Wake Nation Activities.

In consideration for being permitted to participate in Wake Nation Activities, I and Participants AGREE to the fullest extent allowed by the law, TO RELEASE FROM LIABILITY AND TO NEVER SUE WAKE NATION, its and their affiliates, representatives, owners, investors, members, managers, officers, directors, partners, employees, instructors, outside trainers, independent coaches, agents, volunteers, participants, sponsors, landowners, landlords, subsidiaries, contractors, affiliated companies or entities, successors, heirs and assigns, and all other persons or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf (collectively referred to in this Agreement, 'Wake Nation') as well as the owners, sellers, manufacturers and installers of equipment comprising Wake Nation, and therefore release and HOLD WAKE NATION HARMLESS for any damage, injury or death to me or Participants or property arising from my or Participants' participation in Wake Nation Activities, regardless of cause, including the alleged NEGLIGENCE, GROSS NEGLIGENCE, OR STRICT LIABILITY OF WAKE NATION

I and Participants understand that all Wake Nation Activities carry certain risks, inherent and otherwise, including injury or death to person or damage to property caused by equipment failure or improper use, the natural environment, and the negligence of the activity operator, instructor, or other participants or third parties. In addition, each Wake Nation Activity carries certain unique risks, which include but are not limited to, injuries, death, or property damage caused by: (a) falls and collisions with features, water, shore, persons, or other manmade and natural objects, (b) entanglements with ropes or cables, (c) negligence of Wake Nation staff, drivers or operators, instructors, and other participants or third parties, (d) the condition of the premises (e) extreme weather and acts of nature, (f) open water, swimming, drowning, and cold water immersion, (g) sunburn, heat/sun stroke, or dehydration, (h) water-borne pathogens, amoebas, microorganisms, bacteria, and other marine life forms and insects, (i) equipment failure, and (j) other risks related to participation in extreme sports. I and Participants understand that Wake Nation Activities carry these and other risks and EXPRESSLY ASSUME ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH EACH WAKE NATION ACTIVITY

I and Participants agree to accept all borrowed, loaned, provided, or rented equipment “AS IS” and WITH NO WARRANTIES express or implied. I and Participants agree that the Participants listed on this Agreement will be the only persons using the equipment and will not use equipment until all Participants have received and understand instructions from Wake Nation on proper use and function.

I and Participants understand that this RELEASE OF LIABILITY will prevent me and Participants from filing suit or making any claim for damages in the event of any loss, injury or death arising from participation in Wake Nation Activities. I and Participants understand this is a release of liability that will apply whenever I or Participants engage and/or participate in Wake Nation Activities. If I or Participants or any legal representative files a claim or lawsuit arising out of my or Participants' participation in Wake Nation Activities, I AGREE TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS WAKE NATION for any damages, attorney's fees, or costs arising out of such claim or lawsuit. With a full understanding of this Agreement, I nevertheless enter into this Agreement freely and voluntarily and agree that it is binding upon me and Participants, my heirs, assigns and legal representatives.

In the event of a medical emergency, I and Participants authorize Wake Nation to provide emergency first aid treatment and/or to refer treatment to a duly licensed physician, dentist, or other medical care professional, and agree to be fully and solely responsible for all associated costs. This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve the life, limb, or well-being of myself or Participants for whom I am executing this Agreement.

Wake Nation routinely takes photographs and videos for commercial purposes and patrons may be readily identifiable in these images. I further grant exclusive permission to Wake Nation to use my or Participants' names, faces, likenesses, voices or appearances in photographs or videos in connection with exhibitions, publicity, advertising, promotional materials, or other commercial purposes, without compensation and without restriction as to frequency and duration.

By executing this Agreement, I declare under penalty of perjury that I am at least 18 years of age and am doing so only for myself and/or Participants for whom I am authorized. If I execute this Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement on behalf of another person, I understand and agree that I am acting as the agent for that person and my signature expressly confirms that I have permission to sign on the other person's behalf, and this agreement shall be binding upon that person if they, or any other persons or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf, brings a claim or lawsuit against Wake Nation. I agree to fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless Wake Nation as set forth above. If I sign without the express permission of any other person, I understand and agree that I am committing fraud against Wake Nation and I agree to indemnify Wake Nation for all liability and claims, including attorneys’ fees, arising from any misrepresentations in or fraudulent execution of this agreement.


I agree that any action arising from or related to this Agreement will be subject to and interpreted under the laws of the State of Ohio. I understand that this Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement is VALID FOREVER and shall have full force and effect whenever I or Participants participate in Wake Nation Activities. THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY – DO NOT SIGN IT UNLESS YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. 

I acknowledge and agree that by clicking or touching the boxes contained in this Agreement I have agreed to and initialed those boxes and am providing an electronic signature as defined by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act ('E-Sign') and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act ('UETA').

Electronic Signature and Acknowledgement
Enter the date and your full name to acknowledge your electronic signature for this entire document.
Your Electronic Signature. (Sign Legibly or System Will Automatically Reject Signature.)
Wake Nation Safety Guidelines & Rules

In addition to the above Wake Nation Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement, Wake Nation has a set of general guidelines and rules for the facility and various activities. For your own safety and the enjoyment of all visitors, you are expected to learn, know, respect, and obey these guidelines and rules while participating in an activity or on the premises. Please read, and also read to all minor participants, each section and then initial that you have read, understand and agree. 

Wake Nation General Guidelines & Rules

1.       Every participant must sign an electronic waiver. All persons under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign on their behalf.

2.       Please do not enter or pass through the building while wet.

3.       No outside food, drink, or coolers are allowed. (Birthday cake and ice cream are exceptions.)

4.       No glass containers are allowed. Broken glass and bare feet/paws do not mix.

5.       No smoking or vaping is allowed anywhere on the property.

6.       Feel free to use our chairs, tables, shade, and games where they are, but please don’t move them.

7.       Please keep cushioned seating dry for spectators. “Be kind, don’t sit with a wet behind.”

8.       We are dog friendly if your dog is quiet, well-mannered, has shade and water, and you pick up after them. Owners of disruptive, aggressive, or misbehaving dogs may be asked to leave.

9.       No drones or RC vehicles are allowed without management permission.

10.   Be considerate and please pick up after yourself. Our staff will be grateful.

11.   Be safe! Have fun!

Wake Nation Cable Safety Guidelines & Rules


1.       Without exception, no first-time or never-ever wakeboarders are ever allowed on the main cable system. Experienced wakeboarders must possess enough skill to safely control and steer their wakeboard through starts and turns and avoid items such as wakeboard features, other fallen riders, floating buoys, water barriers, and other objects in the water before attempting to ride the main cable. Regardless of your actual or claimed wakeboarding experience, we never allow anyone to try the main cable for their first time at normal/faster cable speeds. Based on your experience and skill level, exceptions are permitted (with or without a lesson) at slower cable speeds only. This and all rules are for your own personal safety. If you insist on trying, or try to “wing it”, or slip past our staff, safety checks, orientations, rules, and signage, by claiming you’ve done it before, or are more experienced than you are, or if for any reason we feel you are a liability to yourself or others, we have a standing “3 try, 3 fall, no refund” rule that can be enforced at any time. Be smart. Be safe. Keep it fun.

2.       Avoid riding or falling near the yellow floating lake dividers. If you touch the yellow lake barriers or ride or fall into a buoyed off area for any reason whatsoever (there is zero tolerance for this), you will immediately lose all riding privileges for at least 1 week with no refund(s), and WN may hold you financially responsible for damage to barriers.

3.       If you are falling, let go immediately or you will injure yourself and or damage the cable system, and WN may hold you financially responsible for damage. Never try to hold on if you are falling.

4.       Avoid letting go, exiting, or falling just before or near the start/motor tower. Always exit safely between the white buoys after the main start dock. Drop the handle when you exit, do not throw it.

5.       It is your responsibility to avoid all objects and persons in the water. If you cannot avoid something or someone, let go and immediately sit down to stop.

6.       While riding the main cable, a helmet and USCG approved life jacket is required. It is your responsibility to know if your life jacket is USCG approved or not.

7.       If 5 or more people are waiting in line, the operator may implement a 5 lap per participant rule to speed up the start line. They will let you know your remaining laps by holding up the corresponding number of fingers as you pass the start tower. Exit safely after 5 laps.

8.       If you see that someone is injured, notify the cable operator immediately. In case of emergency, the cable will be stopped so staff can attend to the injured rider.

9.       If the main cable stops for any reason, let go, swim to the shore, and walk back. Do not continue to hang on for a “pickup”.

10.   No air or power tricks on the corner/near a pulley. Allow your carrier to travel past a pulley before you initiate any air trick. Air tricks near a corner can damage the cable system and/or derail a cable, and WN may hold you financially responsible for damage.

11.   Always be on the lookout for fallen riders, especially after each feature. Do not attempt to hit a feature if a fallen rider is not safely clear. Give fallen riders plenty of space.

12.   When you fall, look back immediately and avoid other riders and bouncing ropes/handles. If necessary, duck underwater to avoid a collision. Swim out of the way as soon as possible, unstrap, and then swim to the outside shore. Try to swim in front of features, in plain view of other riders. Avoid swimming behind a feature or out of view of other riders.

13.   Don’t swim to or from the island unless directed by staff.

14.   Do not drink alcohol or use drugs prior to riding the cable system (or any activity).

15.   Wakeboard features (jumps, rails, and sliders) are for experienced riders only.

16.   Remove all removable fins from your wakeboard before hitting any feature, or WN may hold you financially responsible for damage to features, and you will lose riding privileges.

17.   Remove all traces of wax from your board before riding at WN. WN may hold you financially responsible for damage, cleaning, and/or scraping wax off features, and you will lose riding privileges.

18.   WN is not responsible for damage caused to your board or person as a result from hitting features. Hit all features at your own risk.

19.   Do not hit features with a non-slider rental board; it will break and you will be financially responsible.

20.   No double riding is allowed if 5 or more persons are waiting in line or if the operator says “no”.

21.   No earphones or audio devices that limit your ability to hear are allowed.

22.   If lightning is in the area, WN staff must shut down the cable and de-energize the system. Standby.

23.   Make the most of your time, as well as others. If you are riding next, be ready to go. If you fall leaving the start dock, swim clear immediately, then unstrap, so you don’t hold up the start line.

24.   You can help the flow on the start dock by helping the cable operator retrieve ropes from time to time. It’s also greatly appreciated. If retrieving a rope, just bring the handle to the operator.

25.   All riding is at your own risk. Stay in control and don’t take chances. Always ride within your abilities.

26.   Be respectful. Be safe! Have fun!

27.   Please ride close to the features if you are not hitting them. The person behind you will have smoother water when entering or hitting that feature.

28.   If a rope is hanging at motor tower, let go or steer to the inside, towards the island, to avoid the rope. Never steer to the outside or towards the start dock. If your rope gets tangled, let go immediately.

Wake Nation Aqua Park Safety Guidelines & Rules


1.       No lifeguard is on duty. Children must be supervised AT ALL TIMES.

2.       Children must be potty trained and be able to navigate features under their own physical power.

3.       The provided life jacket must be worn AT ALL TIMES. Ensure it fits properly and stays on during play.

4.       Do not swim under any water feature.

5.       Stay clear of the yellow lake dividers and all cable participants.

6.       Do not tip over features or pile up on any one feature.

7.       Swim attire only. No front buckle life jackets, sharp objects, sunglasses, earrings, belts, shoes, etc.

8.       No more than 2 people at a time on the upper swing platform.

9.       No rough play. Big kids, be nice to the little kids.

10.   Use steps to enter/exit the lake. One person at a time on the steps.

11.   Do not untie anchor ropes or tamper with anchor lines.

12.   No diving. Always jump or slide feet first.

13.   Ensure landing areas are clear before jumping or sliding.

14.   Don’t throw rocks, dirt, mud, or other objects onto water features.

15.   Only play during official open hours.

16.   Report any concerns, and damaged features or equipment immediately.

17.   Be respectful. Be safe! Have fun!

Wake Nation Launch Slide Safety Guidelines & Rules


1.       The provided life jacket must be worn AT ALL TIMES. Ensure it fits properly and stays on during play.

2.       Slide on your back, feet first, with both hands firmly clasped behind your head. Never slide head first.

3.       Ensure water is flowing on the slide before sliding.

4.       Do not slide until a staff member tells you to slide. Ensure the landing area is clear before sliding.

5.       Swim clear of the landing area immediately.

6.       No lifeguard is on duty. Children must be supervised AT ALL TIMES.

7.       Only one person at a time on each slide.

8.       No floatation devices or inflatables are allowed on the slide.

9.       Do not attempt to stop on the slide.

10.   Do not swim in front of the slide or through the landing area.

11.   Swim attire only. No front buckle life jackets, sharp objects, sunglasses, earrings, belts, shoes, etc.

12.   Do not drink alcohol or use drugs prior to sliding (or any activity).

13.   Only slide during official hours of operations.

14.   Be respectful. Be safe! Have fun!

Wake Nation Dog Guidelines & Rules

Wake Nation is dog-friendly. However we expect all dog owners to be responsible and courteous to others around you, or you and your dog will be asked to leave. Dog owners are 100% responsible for the behavior and actions of their dog(s) and are 100% responsible for injuries or damage to persons, other pets, or property caused by their dog(s). 

1.       All dogs must be friendly, quiet, and well-mannered. Should your dog become disruptive or aggressive, you and your dog may be asked to leave.

2.       Dogs are not allowed in the building except to pass through the main pro shop quickly, going to or from the main viewing deck. (Per Butler County Health Department/Food Permits.)

3.       No one wants to step in poo. Owners must pick up after their dogs. Most dogs are anxious to explore and will “go” shortly after arriving onsite. No big deal. Free bags and a scoop are available, and there is a garbage can right under the bag dispenser. Be a good dog owner.

4.       If you leave your dog unattended while you play or ride, it must have shade, water, and not disturb others. It should also be leashed so it doesn’t wander around, disturb others, or chase after you while you ride. If it becomes a nuisance, you and your dog will be asked to leave.

5.       Do not allow your dog to swim in any area that may interfere with a rider or other participants.

6.       Do not allow your dog to shake off in an area that could get others or their property unexpectedly wet. (Not all WN visitors are dog-friendly.)

7.       NEVER LEAVE A DOG IN A CAR. Even with windows down, inside temperatures can skyrocket quickly (2x the outside temp within minutes). Please report any such incident immediately. If WN becomes aware of a pet left in a vehicle, we will do whatever is necessary to rescue the dog in addition to calling the authorities and permanently banning the guest. We take this issue very seriously, as would any responsible dog owner. NEVER LEAVE A DOG IN A CAR.

Equipment Rental Damage & Cleaning Fee Schedule Customer Agreement & Authorization

This section may not apply to every participant right now, but we ask that you fill it out so it can be kept on file electronically should you, or your minor participants ever need to borrow or rent equipment from Wake Nation in the future.

As needed, Wake Nation loans, provides, and or rents various pieces of equipment or portions of our facility. We ask that you care for and respect any equipment loaned, provided, or rented to you. If you use our equipment to hit features, it is inevitable that you will damage our equipment. In any event that any equipment is damaged, lost, or stolen while in a customer’s possession, this schedule represents the amount a customer may be charged. Take extra precaution with locker keys, as they are expensive to replace. 

Lost Locker Key (Must Replace Entire Cylinder and Key)  $60
Minor Nicks & Scratches/Normal Wear & Tear                  $0
Damaged SUP (repairable)                                                     $100
Damaged SUP (non-repairable/total loss)                           $600
Damaged SUP Paddle (repairable)                                       $50
Damaged SUP Paddle (non-repairable/total loss)              $150
Damaged Wakeboard (repairable)                                       $100
Damaged Wakeboard (non-repairable/total loss)             $350
Damaged Gummy Strap                                                          $10
Damaged Single Binding (repairable)                                   $100
Damaged Single Binding (non-repairable/total loss)         $300
Damaged Pair of Bindings (non-repairable/total loss)      $300
Damaged Wakeboard Vest (repairable)                              $30
Damaged Wakeboard Vest (non-repairable/total loss)    $90
Damaged Aqua Park or Slide Vest (repairable)                  $20
Damaged AP or Slide Vest (non-repairable/total loss)      $50
Damaged Helmet (repairable)                                               $15
Damaged Helmet (non-repairable/total loss)                     $50
Damaged Wetsuit Top (repairable)                                      $30
Damaged Wetsuit Top (non-repairable/total loss)            $90
Damaged 12x12 Tent                                                              $250
Damaged Event Tent                                                               $2500
Clean Up Post Party, Group Event, or Private Area            $100/hour (1 Hour Minimum)

I understand that I am financially responsible for equipment loaned, provided, or rented to me by Wake Nation (WN). If I rent a tent, private area, or host a party or group, I also understand that I am responsible for cleaning up that area post-use. I have read, understand, and agree to the above fee schedule. I agree to pay WN and allow WN to charge my credit card in the corresponding listed amount(s) if equipment is damaged, lost, or stolen while in my possession, or if I fail to clean up post-use.

If using wakeboard equipment, I agree to inspect the actual equipment I will be using and also to review, sign, and initial the "Wakeboard & Binding Current Condition Form" (paper copy at rental desk) for the corresponding board and bindings I will be using. I will inspect the current condition of the equipment as described on that form, and if necessary, ask WN staff to make additions before signing and initialing that I accept the equipment in its current condition. I understand and agree that I am responsible for any damage not listed on that form.